

Information concerning childbirth(出産に関する情報)




Issue of Boshi Kenko Techou (maternal and child health handbook) and interview(母子健康手帳の交付と面談)

Boshi Kenko Techou is a handbook to record your health condition during your pregnancy and childbirth, and your child’s health condition at and after birth.  It is distributed for free.  Everyone who has submitted a pregnancy notification to Yao city are interviewed at the health center (by appointment only).  After the interview, you will be informed of “Mousugu Mama Ouen Gift (support gift for expectant mothers)”, which is a benefit of 50,000 yen.
Maternity books are available in Chinese, Vietnamese, English, Indonesian, Korean/Hangul, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Tagalog and Nepali as well as Japanese.
Please contact the following number about the issuance of maternity books.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Health Center(保健センター)   TEL 072-993-8600

Mousugu Mama Ouen Gift and Sukusuku Aka-chan Ouen Gift (support gift for mothers raising infants)(もうすぐママ応援ギフト・すくすく赤ちゃん応援ギフト)

Since February 1, 2023, counseling support through meetings with a public health nurse, midwife, or the like and financial support worth 50,000 yen are provided to those who are pregnant or postpartum.  If you are a newcomer to Yao city and have not yet applied for the gifts in your previous city, please contact the health center.


Health checks for pregnant women(妊婦健康診査)

All pregnant women may receive regular health checks during their pregnancy.  A Consultation Card, which is issued from the same office as maternity books, enables you to receive health checks at medical establishments commissioned by Osaka Prefecture.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Health Center(保健センター)   TEL 072-993-8600

Maternity Health Check(産婦健康診査)

A post-natal health check can be undertaken free of charge a total of two times: two weeks after the birth and one month after the birth, at designated hospitals and health centers within the prefecture.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Health Center(保健センター)   TEL 072-993-8600

Newborn hearing screening test (新生児聴覚検査)

A newborn baby can receive a newborn hearing screening test at medical facilities designated by Osaka prefecture.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Health Center(保健センター)   TEL 072-993-8600

Post-Natal Health Care services(産後ケア事業)

Infants up to six months of age and their mothers   with the exception of cases of infectious disease or where medical treatment and/or hospitalization are required, and those without sufficient housework and child-rearing support from their families, and those who have concerns about health or child-rearing are able to utilize  physical care and child-rearing support in same-room post-natal care.(Criteria Apply)


Contact details(お問合せ)

Health Center(保健センター)   TEL 072-993-8600


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