Hoikusho/hoikuen (nurseries) are facilities that care for infants and young children in place of parents or guardians who are unable to look after their children due to work or other circumstances.
Nintei-kodomoen (certified child care facilities) are facilities that combine certain functions and characteristics of yōchien (kindergartens) and hoikusho/hoikuen, and provide childrearing assistance in the community.
Hoikusho/hoikuen and nintei-kodomoen may be used by parents or guardians of children who are deemed to have at least one of the following “reasons for requiring day care” and who have been issued with a child-care allowance certificate.
Reasons for Requiring Day Care:
(1) Parent/guardian is working (parent/guardian regularly works 64 hours/month; includes full-time, part-time, nightshift work, and work-from-home)
(2) Parent/guardian is pregnant or in postnatal care
(3) Parent/guardian has illness or disability
(4) Parent/guardian is taking care of co-residing relative(s)
(5) Parent/guardian is undertaking restoration work
(6) Parent/guardian is seeking work (or preparing to set up a business)
(7) Parent/guardian is receiving education (or training at a vocational school)
(8) Parent/guardian is a victim of domestic violence or other type of abuse
(9) Parent/guardian has a child that was already enrolled in a child care facility when the parent/guardian acquired parental leave, and continued use of this facility is necessary
(10) Any other reason that Yao City deems to be of a similar nature to those listed above
*Please note that there may be cases (such as insufficient numbers of staff) in which admission cannot be granted even if one or more of the reasons for requiring day care apply. Where the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available, Yao City will examine the applications of child-care allowance certificate recipients and award places to those it deems to be in most need of the service.
Child Care/Early Childhood Education Division(保育・こども園課) TEL 072-924-8529