

About Yao City(八尾市の概要)




Yao City was established in 1948 April 1st.(八尾市は1948年4月1日に設立されました。)

At that time the population was 64,431 and consisted of 18.99 square kilometers.

当時の人口・面積 64,431人、18.99平方キロメートル


Number of people recorded in the Basic Resident Register (as of April 1, 2023)
As of April 1, 2022 the population was 261,197.
Male population: 124,607
Female population: 136,590
Total Families: 127,300

人口 261,197人(男性124,607人、女性136,590人)
世帯数 127,300世帯

City Location(市の位置)

Yao is located east of central Osaka.
To the west of Yao is Osaka City.
To the north of Yao is Higashi Osaka City.
To the south of Yao is Kashiwara City, Matsubara City, and Fujidera City.
Just east of Yao is Ikoma Mountain and the boarder with Nara Prefecture.

City Location

The City Hall Address: Osaka Fu, Yao-Shi, Honmachi
1-chome, 1-ban, 1-go

Latitude: 135.36.03
Longitude: 34.37.37
Square Kilometers: 41.72
Average Temperature: 17.6c
Highest Temperature: 39.2c
Lowest Temperature: -2.1c
Yearly Precipitation: 1,549.0 mm


所在地 大阪府八尾市本町1丁目1番1号(市役所)
東経 135度36分03秒
北緯 34度37分37秒
面積 41.72平方キロメートル
平均気温 17.6度
最高気温 39.2度
最低気温 -2.1度
年間降水量 1,549.0ミリメートル

City Emblem(市章)

City Emblem(市章) 

Consists of a “Y” encircled by an “O”, both from the word YAO. The circle symbolizes smooth city government. The “Y” portion of the emblem extends just outside the circle, symbolizing Yao City’s dream of future development. The city symbol is divided into three parts by the letter “Y.” These three parts symbolize three cherished values in Yao City: Peace Liberty, and Equality.


The City Tree & Flower(市の木・市の花)

The City Tree:The Maidenhair Tree
The City Flower: Chrysanthemum

市の木 いちょう
市の花 きく

Our Sister and Friendship Cities(姉妹都市・友好都市)

Our Sister city: Bellevue, Washington, USA (est. November 1969)
Our Friendship city: Jiading-qu Shanghai, China (est. September 1986)

ベルビュー市(アメリカ合衆国) 昭和44年11月姉妹都市提携
上海市嘉定区(中華人民共和国) 昭和61年9月友好都市調印

What kind of city is Yao?(八尾ってどんなまち?)

A core city(中核市)

Yao City was developed as a suburb of Osaka City, and now has a population of over 200,000 people. On April 1st 2001, Yao City was recognized as an exceptional city (Distinguished City),On April 1st 2018, Yao City was recognized as
A core city,and as of April 1st 2023, Yao City became 9th highest in population within Osaka Prefecture.




Yao is Kawachi Ondo’s Birthplace(河内音頭のふるさと)

Yao is the birthplace of “Kawachi Ondo,” a special folk dance and music only found in Yao.  In the summertime, within the city, here and there, special festive towers and Japanese lanterns are set up around the city inviting people to join the circles of dance.  From generation to generation these songs and dances have been passed down and have warmed the hearts of all.  According to legend “Kawachi Ondo” originated at Jokoji Temple.

Legend has it that during the Muromachi era the workers sang while they brought wood from the Yamatogawa river to rebuild Jokoji Temple. This is how “Kawachi Ondo” began.

This music style was also known as “Nagashi Bushi.”  This style of singing is very slow, and almost like talking, and full of emotion.  Today, one can only hear this unique and orthodox singing style at Jokoji Temple.

Every summer in early September, we have a special summer event known as the “Kawachi Ondo Festival.”  This includes a huge parade and bon dancing.  Many of our fellow citizens join in the festivities. On September 9, 2017, the world records for ‘the largest number of people dancing a Bon dance in unison’ and the largest number of people wearing Yukata (summer kimono)` were achieved.

なかでも、「河内最古之音頭発祥地」と伝わる常光寺の正調河内音頭は、室町時代、常光寺再建の折に木材を旧大和川から運んだときに歌われた木遣り音頭がルーツと されています。流し節とも言われ、ゆったりと語りかける情緒あふれるその音頭は、現在では常光寺でしか聞くことができません。

A Town of Historic Heritage(歴史遺産のまち)

Yao is a town with a rich history and cultural assets.In east Yao we have Takayasu Mountain.  Many people still live in the small mountain village on Takayasu’s sloops. This village is called Yamanneki.  It is full of historical sights, especially, the ancient tumulus structures, which are burial mounds.  The ‘Takayasu Senzuka Kofun Group’ is especially famous throughout Japan as it includes the Shionji-yama Kofun, which is the biggest Zempō Kōen Fun (a keyhole-shaped mound) in the central Kawachi area and was built in 5th century, and at least 200 Yokoana-shiki Sekishitsu Fun (a kind of passage grave), which was built in 6th century.The pagoda foundation of the Yuge temple, related to Empress Shōtoku and Dōkyō and built in 770, was discovered in February 2017 and designated as a National Historic Site on February 13, 2018 by the name of ‘Yuge-dera Ato (Yuge temple ruins)’.  In the subsequent archaeological excavation in 2022, another foundation under the previously discovered foundation was found, and this discovery became historically valuable.

八尾市はゆたかな歴史や文化財を有するまちです。市東部にある高安山山ろくは、地元で「やまんねき」と呼ばれ、古くから人々が暮らす里山であり、歴史遺産の宝庫です。なかでも、5世紀に造られた中河内最大の前方後円墳の 心合寺山(しおんじやま)古墳や、6世紀に造られた200基以上もの横穴式石室墳が集中する「高安千塚(たかやすせんづか)古墳群」」は全国的にも知られています。平成29年2月には、770年に建立された称徳天皇と道鏡ゆかりの由義寺の塔の基壇が発見され、平成30年2月13日に「由義寺跡(ゆげでらあと)」として国史跡に指定されました。令和4年度の発掘調査で、塔基壇の下層にもう一つの基壇が見つかり、貴重な発見となりました。

Yao, A City with a Tradition of Quality Production(ものづくりのまち)

We are proud of both our small and mid-sized companies for exhibiting a high quality of technical skill and development in production. And so we are known as a city with a tradition of quality production.  Yao city has traditionally held the top share in toothbrush manufacturing in all of Japan.  The skills of Yao’s companies also shine in the production of items like hardware and electronic appliances, and even modern technology. 
Quantities of manufactured goods for shipping were the 4th highest in the prefecture (2014 Industrial Statistics Survey), demonstrating the increasing vitality of this industry.


Yao’s Special Produce(八尾の特産)

Yao’s Delicious Green Soybeans(八尾えだまめ)

Yao’s green soybeans are grown locally, and consumed locally, so that means they are fresh, ripe, large, and very sweet.Our city is one of the biggest crop harvesters in the Kinki Area.

Yao’s Young Burdock (Wakagobo)[八尾若ごぼう]

Its sales volume is the highest in Japan and it includes nutrients such as dietary fiber, iron, calcium, and rutin. It is also called “hagobo” (burdock with leaves) All parts are eatable, the leaf, stem and root.  It is a little bitter and very crunchy.  When Yao people eat it they feel spring has arrived.


How to Get to Yao City(八尾市に行くには)

By Train(鉄道を利用)

Kintetsu Osaka Line: from Tsuruhashi station to Kintetsu Yao station
JR Yamatoji Line: from Tennoji to JR Yao station
Subway Tanimachi Line: from Tennoji station to Yao Minami station

近鉄大阪線 鶴橋駅から近鉄八尾駅へ
JR大和路線 天王寺駅からJR八尾駅へ
地下鉄谷町線 天王寺駅から地下鉄八尾南駅へ

 Kintetsu Yao Station will take 5 minutes from the Fuse Station/ JR Yao Station takes from Tennoji Station 11 minutes/ Subway Yao South Station takes 20 minutes from Tennoji Station

By Car(自動車を利用)

Use Osaka’s main road map (大阪府内周辺主要道路図)

get off at Yao exit of Kinki motorway

Use Yao’s main road map (八尾市内主要道路図)

 Yao City Hall is 5 minutes from Yao Station Kintetsu, it takes 15 minutes from JR Yao Station


Any Questions:
Contact The Department of General Affairs, City Information
Phone: 072-924-3811 Fax: 072-924-0135
Email: kouhou@city.yao.osaka.jp


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