

Dial ‘119’ for fire / ambulance service(火災・救急は「119」番)




Dial ‘119’ to summon a fire truck or an ambulance in case of fire or a medical emergency.


Matters that require attention when you call(通報するときの留意点)

  • You will be asked a number of questions when you call, such as: “Is there a fire? Do you require an ambulance?” to identify the type of emergency. You will be then asked about the location of the accident. At the accident site, etc., please call for help from those around you, and in order for the information to be conveyed accurately, ask a Japanese speaker, if available, to speak on the phone.
  • When making an emergency #119 call you should use landlines or public telephone boxes wherever possible, because it will be possible to instantly locate your position.
  • Using a cell phone to make an emergency call may seem more convenient if you are outdoors. However, cell phones use electric waves for transmission, and so your call may be connected to a fire station in a neighboring city, and the signal can easily cut out depending on your location. If you do make an emergency call from a cell phone, please keep your phone switched on after the call and wait at a safe location near the site until a fire truck or ambulance arrives. The dispatcher may need to contact you.
  • Please keep your mobile phone switched on after the call and wait at a secure location near the site until a fire truck or ambulance arrives. There may be cases in which the dispatcher etc. will need to contact the caller again.
  • Please do not leave the site where the call is made until fire trucks or ambulance arrives.

  • 「119」番通報時、消防署では、まず「火事ですか?」「救急ですか?」と事故種別をお聞きします。続いて「事故の発生現場」を聞きます。より正確な情報が伝わる為に、事故現場などでは大声を出して周りの人に助けを求め、日本語の話せる方がいればその方に代わってください。
  • 「119」番通報は、できる限り、瞬時に通報場所が特定できる固定電話や公衆電話の利用をお願いします。
  • 携帯電話を利用する場合は、屋外からの通報には便利ですが、通話に電波を利用するため、隣接市の消防本部につながる場合や通報場所によっては、通話が途切れやすいといったデメリットがあります。また、通報後も消防車や救急車が到着するまでは、携帯電話の電源は切らないで現場近くの安全な場所で待っていて下さい。消防本部から通報者に、連絡をとる場合があります。
  • 通報後も消防車や救急車が到着するまで、携帯電話の電源は切らないで現場近くの安全な場所で待って下さい。消防本部から通報者に再度、連絡をとる場合があります。
  • 消防車や救急車が到着するまで通報場所を離れないでください。

Appropriate use of an ambulance(救急車の適正利用)

The number of ambulance call-outs is growing year by year. Before dialing emergency number 119, please consider whether emergency services are truly necessary and that other, regular forms of transport such as personal vehicle or taxi could not be used instead.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Fire station(消防署)   TEL 072-992-0119

Have you already installed fire alarms for domestic use?(住宅用火災警報器の設置はお済ですか)

Around 50% of house fire fatalities are caused by people being too slow to escape the fire. In case of a fire, smoke spreads surprisingly quickly and thus you might not find a way to escape. To react promptly, it is important to detect fires as soon as possible.
*By law, it is compulsory to install fire alarms in every home (since June 1, 2011).


住宅火災による死者の約5割が逃げ遅れです。火災時の煙は、思いのほか早く広がり逃げる方向を見失ってしまう恐れがあります。いち早く対処するためにも早期発見が大切です。 ※平成23年6月1日からすべての住宅に、住宅用火災警報器の設置が義務付けられています。

Be alert to the handling of old fire extinguishers(古くなった消火器の取り扱いにご注意)

Accidents with fire extinguisher explosions have been happening all over the country when old extinguishers were used.  Never use fire extinguishers displaying any abnormality such as rust or damage.
If an old fire extinguisher needs to be disposed of, it is necessary to buy a “recycling seal for sold fire extinguishers.”

How to dispose of an old fire extinguisher:

  • Ask a designated dealer (fire extinguisher sales outlet) to collect the old fire extinguisher
  • Bring the old fire extinguisher to a designated location for collection
  • Ask for collection by parcel post (Yu-Pack).



  • 特定窓口(消火器販売業者)に引き取りを依頼する。
  • 指定引取場所に持ち込む。
  • ゆうパックによる回収を依頼する。

Contact details(お問合せ)

Prevention Section, Fire disaster Headquarters(消防本部予防課)   TEL 072-992-2275


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