

Information on Childrearing(育児に関する情報)




Health Checks for Young Children(乳幼児健康診査)

Health centers provide health checks for children at four months old, one year and six months old and three years and six months old.  Parents will be notified.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Child Health Section (Kodomo Kenko-ka)(こども健康課)   TEL 072-993-7500

Newborn Hearing Screening Partial Subsidy (新生児聴覚検査の一部助成)

We provide partial subsidies for newborn hearing screening with a Consultation Card, which is issued from the same office as maternity books.
※If you are a newcomer to Yao city, please make sure to apply for a consultation card of Yao City at Child Health Section (Kodomo Kenko-ka).
(You can’t use a consultation card of Yao City once you move out from the city.)
※For those who undergo examinations outside the prefecture in Japan, we reimburse the fee. Please contact the Child Health Section (Kodomo Kenko-ka).



Vaccination is an effective method to prevent disease by artificially building up immunity (resistant power) through vaccination against microorganisms and viruses which cause disease.
Yao City sends a Vaccination Book (
yobō sesshu techō; only available in Japanese) to addresses entered in the Resident Register around a month after the birth of a baby.
The booklet “Vaccination and Child Health” issued by The Public Foundation of Vaccination Research Center (in English, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Portuguese, etc) is freely available. Please contact the following number for your free copy.

Contact details(お問合せ)

Health Promotion Section(健康推進課)   TEL 072-994-8480

Medical Subsidy for Children(こども医療費助成)

Medical subsidy system for children outpatient/inpatient aged 0 to 18 (until the first March 31 after turning 18).
Please note however, that up to a maximum of 500 yen a day per medical establishment visit and for up to two days a month will be charged to the individual.

  • No restrictions on income.
  • Within the same medical establishment, the ‘Medical clinics, dental clinics, home visits by a nurse’ and the ‘Hospital Admissions and Out-patients Department’ are dealt with as two separate medical establishments.

Some cases may be outside of welfare criteria. Please contact the following for details.



  • 所得制限はありません。
  • 同じ医療機関でも「医科・歯科・訪問看護」「入院と通院」 は別の医療機関の扱いとなります。

Contact details(お問合せ)

Child and Youth Policy Division(こども若者政策課)   TEL 072-924-8528

Medical Service Subsidy for One-parent Families(ひとり親家庭医療費助成)

A system where the copayment portion of medical treatment for sickness or injuries at medical facilities may be paid through public funds for single fathers, mothers or guardians of minors (between the ages of 0 and up to the first March 31 after turning 18)
However, up to the maximum of 500 yen a day per medical establishment visit and for up to two days a month will be charged to the individual.

  • There are restrictions depending on income.
  • Within the same medical establishment, the ‘Medical clinics, dental clinics, home visits by a nurse’ and the ‘Hospital Admission and Out-patients Department’ are dealt with as two seperate medical establishments.
Please contact the following for details.

  • 所得制限があります。
  • 同じ医療機関でも「医科・歯科・訪問看護」「入院と通院」 は別の医療機関の扱いとなります。

Contact details(お問合せ)

Child and Youth Policy Division(こども若者政策課)   TEL 072-924-8528

Medical Care for Premature Babies(未熟児養育医療)

We provide subsidies for the medical expenses that premature babies need for hospitalization care   being received at designated nursing medical institutions after delivery.
※It is necessary to pay a calculated amount based on city regulations .
※Those who are not covered by insurance are excluded from this subsidy and so will be required to pay the full amount.

Please contact the following for more details.



Contact details(お問合せ)

Child and Youth Policy Division(こども若者政策課)   TEL 072-924-8528

Child Allowance / Childrearing Allowance / Special Childrearing Allowance(児童手当・児童扶養手当・特別児童扶養手当)

Child Allowance(児童手当)

Child Allowance is the system that pays an allowance to people who raise children of pre-junior high school age and applies to those with a domicile in Japan.  

It is required to proceed with applications within 15 days after changes of circumstances such as childbirth, moving in and the start of childrearing.The current system is going to be revised from October, 2024.For more details on requirements, please contact the following number.

Contact details(お問合せ)

Child and Youth Policy Division(こども若者政策課)   TEL 072-924-3839

Childrearing Allowance(児童扶養手当)

In the Childrearing Allowance System, children who do not live with their parents due to divorce or the death of either parent are paid an allowance.
Single-parents (or people who raise children on behalf of a single parent who is under 18 years old on the March 31st after the child`s birth) or those who meet with certain other requirements may receive this allowance.
However, there are restrictions in terms of the level of the income.The current system is going to be revised from October, 2024.
Please contact the following for details such as requirements.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Child and Youth Policy Division(こども若者政策課)   TEL 072-924-3839

Special Childrearing Allowance(特別児童扶養手当)

A mother or father caring for a child under 20 years old who is mentally or physically handicapped (as stipulated by law) or a guardian caring for such a child (living together with, looking after, protecting and financially supporting the child) instead of his/her parents is eligible for the allowance. Income restrictions apply. For details on requirements, etc., please contact the office below.


Contact details(お問合せ)

Child and Youth Policy Division(こども若者政策課)   TEL 072-924-3839


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